SPEECH: I do not support PEP-11

16 February 2023



As the member for Newcastle, I stand in solidarity with my community on opposing PEP-11. This issue has reared its ugly head again as a direct result of the former Prime Minister's utter disregard for proper governance. Our community's message has been loud, it's been clear and it's been consistent: PEP-11 is not welcome. It's not welcome in Sydney, it's not welcome on the Central Coast and it's certainly not welcome in Newcastle. This is a project without friends. PEP-11 has never made sense from an economic, environmental or energy perspective. It puts at risk thousands of local jobs in tourism, in hospitality and in recreational and commercial fishing. Coastal communities from Sydney to Newcastle have overwhelmingly voiced their opposition to PEP-11.

I share my community's frustration and anger that this issue was so grossly mishandled by the previous government, and I say unequivocally to my community: due process will be followed. We know very well that we are in this mess because of the former Liberal Prime Minister's secret self-appointment to five ministries, including energy and resources. There are some who think we can throw due process out the window, but we know that just lands us back in court. The Federal Court has today issued orders quashing the former Prime Minister's decision on PEP-11, saying his actions and words were legally indefensible.

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