July 1 Cost-of-Living Relief for Novocastrians


Ms CLAYDON (Newcastle—Deputy Speaker) (16:40): Today is 1 July. Today the next steps of the Albanese Labor government's cost-of-living relief package come into effect. From today every Australian taxpayer will get a tax cut, not just some, because this government wants all taxpayers to earn more and keep more of what they earn. In my electorate of Newcastle, this means that 78,000 taxpayers will have on average an extra $1,642 in their pocket.

From today every Australian household will receive $300 off their energy bill, because we know that Australians are feeling the pressure from higher global energy prices. From today there will be a freeze on the cost of every PBS medicine for every Australian. For those that rely on medication for their health and quality of life, we know this will make a big difference. From today this government is providing a third consecutive pay rise for 2.6 million of Australia's lowest paid workers and we are continuing our work to lift wages for everyone.

From today new parents will have access to an extra two weeks of paid parental leave—a welcome change for families—and from today an additional $1 billion will be made available to build more homes across Australia. We are increasing Commonwealth rent assistance for nearly one million households to help with the cost of living for renters. The cost-of-living crisis didn't happen overnight, so it will take a while for us to clean up the mess we've inherited. But relief available from today will be welcome news for Australians.