25 OCTOBER 2023

We are deeply alarmed by the dire situation faced by Palestinians in Gaza and the risk of escalating conflict on innocent civilians in the Middle East.

We have already witnessed a tragic loss of life of innocent civilians. Our thoughts are with those killed, those injured and their loved ones.

We call for an immediate ceasefire and an end to the violence in Israel and Palestine.

The attacks on innocent Israeli civilians by Hamas are in breach of international humanitarian law. We condemn such terror attacks on Israel.

Israel’s attacks on innocent civilians in Gaza are in breach of international humanitarian law. We condemn such attacks on Palestinian civilians.

We stand with innocent Palestinians and Israelis now suffering as a result of this ongoing conflict.

The peace and security of Palestinians and Israelis rests on a two-state solution. The legitimate aspirations of Palestinians to a future state cannot be ignored any longer.

Thousands of people have been killed, with tens of thousands injured and displaced, including women, children and the elderly.

Food, water, fuel and medical supplies are running out in the Gaza Strip, compounding an already dire situation in one of the world’s most densely populated places.

The cutting off of water, food, fuel, and electricity in Gaza and the destruction of civilian infrastructure is punishing millions.

The United Nations Human Rights office has said the order to move civilians in Gaza “may not be considered as lawful temporary evacuation and would therefore amount to a forcible transfer of civilians in breach of international law.”

We condemn ongoing settler violence in the West Bank which further exacerbates tensions, increasing the risk this conflict spreads.

The protection of civilian lives is paramount and international humanitarian law must be observed.

We also call on the Australian Government to continue to urge all parties to comply with international law, to protect civilians and to exert all its efforts for the safe departure of those Australians wanting to leave Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

We stand with the Palestinian-Australian and the Jewish-Australian communities who are deeply impacted by this catastrophic crisis.

Maria Vamvakinou MP
Member for Calwell

Mark Coulton MP
Member for Parkes

Senator Janet Rice
Senator for Victoria