26 March 2018

The concerns of more than 2100 people who signed petitions opposing planned seismic tests off the coast of Newcastle and the Central Coast have been delivered to Federal Parliament by the Federal Member for Newcastle Sharon Claydon.On behalf of her constituents, Ms Claydon conveyed to the Parliament the deep unease that the planned tests are having in Newcastle. Conflicting messages from the State and Federal Liberal Governments about the impacts of seismic testing are causing deep concern in my community, Ms Claydon told the Parliament. People are worried that this testing will cause harm to our local marine life and our fishing and tourism sectors. Ms Claydon said she would now refer the petitions to the Federal Minister for Resources Matthew Canavan. I contacted the Federal Minister well over a month ago seeking his assurance about the robustness of the approvals process and the safety of seismic testing, but he is yet to respond, Ms Claydon told the Parliament. I truly hope the Minister shows my constituents, these 2100 people, a little more respect. They deserve nothing less than a full response. The Turnbull Government needs to give an ironclad guarantee that this testing wont hurt Newcastles precious marine life or impact on our local fisheries or the tourism industry. In the wake of the Turnbull Governments savage attacks on marine parks last week, with the largest removal of marine area from conservation, ever, from any government in the world, its no wonder that people are questioning the credibility of this government when it comes to marine conservation. Video of Sharons speech to the Parliament is at