15 November 2017

Federal Member for Newcastle Sharon Claydon has welcomed news that more than three in five Australians have voted in favour of marriage equality.Ms Claydon said she was rejoicing that Newcastle registered the highest regional yes vote in the country, with close to 75 per cent of respondents voting yes. The people of Newcastle share a deep sense of fairness and rallied strongly around the YES campaign, Ms Claydon said. The vote reinforces that same-sex couples love is just as real, and their relationships are just as valid as any other. While Ms Claydon welcomed the outcome, she slammed the survey process for being expensive, divisive and unnecessary. We cant forget that this survey only happened because Mr Turnbull didnt have the fortitude to stand up to the right wing fringe dwellers in his party, Ms Claydon said. The damage this survey has done to the federal budget is substantial the damage it has done to many people is immeasurable. Ms Claydon hit back against right wing members of the Government who she said are already mobilising to hamper marriage equality. Already, weve seen right wing members of the government trying to use the result to make changes that would entrench more bigotry and discrimination, Ms Claydon said. Mr Turnbull needs to step up, pull his government members into line and ensure that the overwhelming will of the Australian people is enacted now.