MEDIA RELEASE: Turnbull Insults Newcastle Residents With No Answers on NBN

28 August 2014

Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull has insulted residents in Newcastle who are crying out for high-speed broadband by refusing to answer when they can expect to receive access to the National Broadband Network.

Mr Turnbull is also refusing to answer whether residents in Newcastle will receive Labor’s NBN – reliable, high-speed optic fibre – or the Abbott Liberal Government’s second rate copper alternative.

After promising before the election that everyone in Australia will have access to the NBN by the end of 2016, then breaking that promise in December last year, Mr Turnbull now refuses to tell residents and businesses in Newcastle when they will receive the NBN at all.

“Before Tony Abbott was elected, every home and business in Newcastle was due to receive the more reliable, high-speed optic fibre and fastest broadband within three years,” Ms Claydon said.

“Now we have no idea when we will have access to the NBN or what sort of service we will have access to.”

“Malcolm Turnbull has shown complete disregard for families and businesses in Newcastle who are crying out for true high-speed broadband.”

After receiving a number empty responses from Mr Turnbull when querying specific constituent issues about the NBN, Ms Claydon put questions in writing to the Minister to attempt to get an overall outlook for the people of Newcastle. The questions remain unanswered.

“I put questions to Malcolm Turnbull about every suburb in Newcastle, asking when they would receive access to the NBN and at what speed but I am yet to receive a response,” Ms Claydon said.

“Today I asked the Speaker of the House to remind the Minister that he has a job to do and a responsibility to the people of Newcastle.”

“We’re already seeing a digital divide in Newcastle based on your address. Two small areas within the electorate are on the current rollout map. A part of Mayfield, that is due to receive Labor’s fibre-to-the-premise network and parts of Hamilton that are being dudded with second-rate fibre-to-the-node.”

“Malcolm Turnbull has over-promised and under-delivered on broadband and as a result has left our community in broadband limbo.”