MEDIA RELEASE: Turnbull Government Needs to Commit to Domestic Violence Leave

02 May 2018

Federal Member for Newcastle and Chair of Labor’s Status of Women Committee Sharon Claydon has tabled a motion in Parliament calling on the Turnbull Government to implement paid domestic and family violence leave as a matter of urgency.

Ms Claydon told the Parliament that the rates of domestic and family violence in Australia continue to be ‘horrifying’, despite increased attention in the national debate.

“One in four women experience intimate partnership violence; women are five times more likely than men to require medical attention or hospitalisation as a result of intimate partner violence; and one women is killed in Australia by a partner or an ex every single week,” Ms Claydon said.

“Given that more than one half of domestic violence victims – most of them women – are in full-time work, workplace reform is critical.

“Domestic violence leave crushes stigma and protects employees from discrimination. It brings the issue out from behind closed doors and sends a clear message to employees that they have understanding and support in their workplace.”

Ms Claydon reiterated Labor’s commitment to ten days of domestic and family violence leave and called on the Turnbull Government to follow suit.

“The Turnbull Government hasn’t only rejected the proposal of domestic and family violence leave: they applied the bargaining policy to prevent public service enterprise agreements in approximately 30 departments (including the Prime Minister’s) from specifying the provision of paid domestic and family violence leave,” Ms Claydon said.

“If Mr Turnbull is genuine about his determination to address the scourge of domestic violence, he needs to match his talk with action.

“Labor has already committed to provide for ten days paid domestic and family violence leave. Now, it’s time for the Government to match Labor’s commitment and amend the National Employment Standards as a matter of urgency.”  

The video of the Parliamentary speech is available at