Media Release - Tony Abbott Misses Deadline to Take Action on ADF Pay Deal

12 February 2014

2 December 2014 Tony Abbott has missed the deadline to ensure a fair pay deal for Australian Defence Force personnel and has failed to take action to overturn his Government's unfair decision to cut the real pay of our servicemen and women.While Tony Abbott has been dragged kicking and screaming to reverse his cuts to Christmas and Recreation Leave and other entitlements, he has stopped short of redressing his cuts to the real pay of our servicemen and women. In September, I stood next to Tony Abbott at RAAF Base Williamtown when he committed to do everything he could to support the men and women deployed to the Middle East and the families they left behind. By delivering these cuts to wages, he has not honoured this commitment. Community outrage at the Abbott Liberal Government's decision is broad, with more than 60,000 people signing a petition calling for a fair pay deal. Yesterday, Opposition Leader Bill Shorten, presented the petition to the Australia Parliament. Labor, independent Senators, community activists and Defence support groups have all pressured the Prime Minister over this unfair offer. The Abbott Liberal Government still has a long way to go in listening to widespread concerns in the Defence community. It is time for Tony Abbott to back down fully and pay our defence personnel fairly. Our service men and women shouldnt have to fight the Abbott Government for decent pay and conditions.