Media Release - Public Works Committee Approves RAAF Williamtown Redevelopment

19 August 2015

19 August 2015 The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works has approved the RAAF Base Williamtown redevelopment Stage 2 project following a public hearing and site inspection in Newcastle last month. Committee Member and Federal Member for Newcastle, Sharon Claydon welcomed the final approval for the works which will see upgrades and replacement of ageing infrastructure at the Base, improving capability and capacity to support current and planned demands.This project will see hundreds of millions of dollars invested into our regional economy with significant infrastructure improvements and is most welcome, Ms Claydon said. There will be immediate employment benefits for local builders and demolition experts and ongoing employment opportunities in the region. The upgrades will make sure RAAF Base Williamtown retains its strategic importance for Australias air combat capability. Following community feedback during the inquiry, the Committee has also asked the Department of Defence to work collaboratively with Port Stephens Council on the upgrade of Medowie Road to achieve the best outcome for drivers, cyclists and pedestrians. I particularly want to acknowledge Councillor Geoff Dingle for his advocacy on this issue. The Base redevelopment includes a provision of new office accommodation for 950 personnel and upgrades to a number of existing facilities.