MEDIA RELEASE: Newcastle Youth Forum: Call for Nominations

26 March 2019

Young Novocastrians under 25 have been invited to nominate to take part in the 2019 Newcastle Youth Forum which will be co-convened next week by Shadow Minister for Young Australians and Youth Affairs, Terri Butler MP.

Federal Member for Newcastle Sharon Claydon said she had invited Ms Butler to Newcastle to co-host the forum and give young people a voice in the things that matter to them.

“I was really bolstered by the incredible energy and commitment to change displayed by thousands of young people at the recent Strike for Climate Action. This is one of many issues that young people care passionately about.

However, the rally also demonstrated the acute frustration they are feeling with the political process,” Ms Claydon said.

“Government should be for all Australians, but too many young people have told me that important decisions are being made against their best interests and they feel powerless to do anything about it.”

Ms Claydon said the forum would be held on Friday 5 April in Newcastle.

“I would encourage anyone with great ideas about the things we need to do to make a better community and a better country to get in touch,” Ms Claydon said.  

“To nominate to take part, people should call my office on 4926 1555 or email me on with your details and a short outline of why you want to attend.”

Ms Claydon said the forum would complement the Newcastle Youth Survey which has been launched at

“Together, the forum and the Youth Survey will help me to understand the issues that matter to young Novocastrians, so I can better represent everyone’s interests in the Federal Parliament.”