Media Release - NBN rollout delayed in the Hunter and Central Coast

24 August 2015

22 August 2015 Despite efforts to keep the information under wraps, the Federal Governments latest NBN rollout figures show more than a hundred thousand homes in the Hunter and Central Coast will be left waiting longer for a high speed broadband connection.The rollout informationwhich the Abbott Government has tried to keep secret from the Australian publicis provided by NBN Co to internet companies, and was revealed on the blog of independent NBN rollout tracking website The delays affect most of the suburbs included in the Abbott Governments so-called 1,000 node trial, announced back in June 2014, the bulk of which are located in the Hunter and Central Coast. Hunter Labor MPs said the figures show the Government is failing yet again to deliver on its promises. Weve heard time and again that the NBN will be rolled out faster under this Government, now we know thats not true, Charlton MP Pat Conroy said. Malcolm Turnbull has over-promised and under-delivered on broadband and as a result he has left our community in broadband limbo, Newcastle MP Sharon Claydon said. Not only are we getting his less-reliable, slower version NBN, the timelines for rollout just keep dragging on. People should be really angry about this because they have been told to accept a sub-standard broadband network on the basis that theyd be connected sooner and now thats not happening, Shortland MP Jill Hall said. Not only is the Broadband Network promised by the Abbott Government substandard but they have failed to deliver it on time, Shortland MP Jill Hall said. People of the Hunter and the Central Coast have a right to feel betrayed.