MEDIA RELEASE: NBN Feedback Requested

12 March 2017

Federal Member for Newcastle Sharon Claydon has called for feedback from Novocastrians on their NBN experiences as the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission prepares to investigate widespread internet speed issues.

Ms Claydon said the Government’s copper-based NBN has “massively failed to meet community expectations’. 

“The situation is so dire the ACCC wants to undertake a widespread investigation into the growing issue of line speeds not delivering on what has been advertised or not meeting consumer expectations.

“I wrote to the ACCC last year about this and I’m pleased that they are now investigating it, but it won’t solve the fundamental problem that Mr Turnbull’s $50 billion NBN is an outdated, second-rate network built on last century’s technology.

“The switch to NBN has been a painful experience plagued with installation problems, crawling speeds and drop-outs for too many homes and businesses.”

Ms Claydon said she was interested in hearing more real-life experiences of a wide range of Novocastrians, in order to identify the systemic problems that need to be raised directly with the Government and NBN Co.  

“I’ve been getting an increasing number of complaints to my office from people frustrated with speeds and service since Mr Turnbull’s substandard fibre-to-the-node-network started rolling out, but I’m aware this is just the tip of the iceberg. It’s time for the government to take some responsibility for the mess they have created,” Ms Claydon said.

 “I would encourage anyone who has had, or is having, issues with NBN to contact me on 4926 1555 or email me on to outline their situation.”