MEDIA RELEASE: Mayfield Back on the Broadband Map Thanks to Labor

06 May 2014

Following an intense lobbying campaign by the Federal Member for Newcastle, Sharon Claydon, Mayfield is back on the high-speed National Broadband Network rollout map.

Work commenced on the rollout in Mayfield last year, however, was stopped following the election of the Abbott Liberal Government.

NBN Co, the organisation coordinating the National Broadband Network, today released new rollout maps confirming that work will recommence in Mayfield.

Ms Claydon, who has raised the issue regularly with the Communications Minister and in Parliament, was delighted to have Mayfield back on the map.

“It was been an anxious wait for Mayfield residents, but I’m glad that the Government is finally seeing sense and recommencing the work that started last year before they were elected,” Ms Claydon said.

“I am however concerned with the process the government is following on the rollout and what this means for the rest of Newcastle.”

“Under Labor all homes and businesses in Newcastle would have received fibre to their premises within three years.  Now we have no idea who will get this and when.  Even the people of Mayfield who have now be re-added to the rollout plan, do not know what sort of service they will actually have access to and at what speed.”

“This spot-announcement today again proves that the Abbott Liberal government simply don’t have a broadband plan for Newcastle.”