MEDIA RELEASE: Labor Celebrates Special Olympics

12 July 2013

Federal Labor congratulates all athletes, coaches, organisers and volunteers at the Special Olympics-2013 Asia Pacific Games that concludes in Newcastle today.

Federal Labor congratulates all athletes, coaches, organisers and volunteers at the Special Olympics-2013 Asia Pacific Games that concludes in Newcastle today.

“I’d like to congratulate the almost 2,000 competitors from 30 nations as well as the 600 officials and coaches who have made the games a success,” said Bernie Ripoll, Shadow Minister for Sport.

“I want to offer special congratulations to Team Australia who have competed in the right spirit and have been amazing ambassadors for our nation.”

“Of course a massive thank you must go to the organisers and the more than 5,000 volunteers who have put in an incredible effort over the past week. Without them events like this could not possibly take place.”

Shadow Minister for Disability Reform, Jenny Macklin said the games highlight the ability of the competitors.

“These Special Olympics are a terrific opportunity for people with intellectual disability to showcase their remarkable athletic abilities.”

Shadow Minister for Carers, Senator Claire Moore paid tribute to the athletes and their supporters.

“Congratulations to everybody involved in the Special Olympics. It’s fitting that as we continue to build the National Disability Insurance Scheme, the Special Olympics are held in Australia.

“I would like to send a particular congratulations to those people supporting the Special Olympians. The performances of special Olympians make us all stronger and the supporters make the special Olympians stronger.”

Federal Member for Newcastle, Sharon Claydon, welcomed the athletes to Newcastle and emphasised the benefits of hosting such events.

“Events like the Special Olympics benefit everyone and it’s been a pleasure to host the athletes and the games in Newcastle.

They’ve highlighted our strong community spirit, brought clear economic benefit and demonstrated our ability to host major international sporting events. I thank the athletes and supporters for gracing our city and welcome their return,” said Ms Claydon.

The former Federal Labor Government contributed $1 million to these inaugural Games.