MEDIA RELEASE: Feds Should Fund Newcastle Domestic Violence Resource Centre

07 May 2019

Federal Member for Newcastle Sharon Claydon has called on the Morrison Government to step in and deliver funding to save Jenny’s Place Domestic Violence Resource Centre in Newcastle from impending closure.

Ms Claydon said the Domestic Violence Resource Centre would close without a new funding injection by September.

“The Newcastle-Hunter region has some of the highest rates of domestic violence in the country, and the unmet need is already staggering. We simply can’t afford to lose the services that Jenny’s Place Domestic Violence Resource Centre offers.

“If women don’t get the critical support they need to leave violent relationships, they can end up trapped in a cycle of violence or worse.”

Ms Claydon called on the Government to allocate some of the funds promised for domestic violence services during the election campaign. 

“During the campaign the Liberals promised $328 million to combat domestic violence, including $86 million for frontline services,” Ms Claydon said.  

“Mr Morrison has made a number of promising statements about its commitment to addressing the scourge of domestic violence, and now I want to see that backed up with action.

“I’ve written to the Minister for Families and Social Services, Senator Anne Ruston, requesting that the Government urgently allocate funds to Jenny’s Place.”

Ms Claydon said it was unconscionable for critical frontline domestic violence support services to go unfunded.

“When one woman is brutally murdered at the hands of a current or former partner every week, there can be no greater law and order priority than addressing the scourge of domestic violence.

“This is a test of the strength of the Government’s commitment to stopping violence against women and children.”