26 February 2017

Federal Member for Newcastle Sharon Claydon has called on Novocasatrians to support businesses that wont cut Sunday penalty rates despite a Fair Work Commission decision that allows them to do so. Ms Claydon visited the Terminus Caf on Darby Street today to thank owner Joel Syme for choosing not to cut penalty rates for his staff. There are a growing number of businesses who wont be cutting Sunday penalty rates because they value their staff and they know how much these cuts would hurt, Ms Claydon said. There is also a groundswell of people, furious about the decision to slash Sunday rates, who are actively looking to back businesses that are doing the right thing. Id encourage all Novocastrians that support penalty rates to vote with their feet and support businesses that are protecting their workers from these cuts. Ms Claydon said the Fair Work decision was bad news for workers and bad news for the economy. This decision actively cuts wages of some of the lowest paid people in the country at a time when record low wages growth is a serious problem for our economy, Ms Claydon said. This decision wont create jobs it will just entrench poverty and increase inequality. Ms Claydon called on the Turnbull Government to stand up for Australian workers. Malcolm Turnbull cant just stand by and watch the lowest paid workers in the country get a pay cut while he gives big business and himself tax cuts. Its time for Mr Turnbull to stand up and fight for Australian workers by working with Labor to find a Parliamentary remedy for the decision.