Media Release - ALP Social Policy Caucus Committee visit Newcastle

12 March 2015

12 March 2015 The ALP Social Policy Caucus Committee has today met with service organisations in the Newcastle region to hear first-hand of the challenges facing the sector and the impact of the 2014 Federal Budget.We are fortunate to have so many organisations in our region that work hard to assist the most vulnerable in our community. Our local service providers have made very clear that they want to be part of the conversation with government and that last minute changes to policy and short-term decisions just create uncertainty for everyone, said Ms Claydon. It is really important for Labor, as we develop our policy platform, to consult these organisations and understand the issues that they are facing. Its only by listening to those who work in the community sector and are at the forefront of delivering community services that we can create good policy that leaves nobody behind, said Charlton MP, Pat Conroy. Community Groups contact me regularly with ideas identifying problems in our community, this meeting will allow them to have direct input into the development of Labors policies, ensuring that our policies are relevant to their needs, said Ms Hall. Chair of the Social Policy Caucus Committee, Joanne Ryan, was invited by local MPs to visit the region to meet with service providers and take their feedback on board when developing Labor policies. The Social Policy Caucus Committee plays an important role in suggesting and advising the ALP policy development process. These roundtables, to be held across Australia, are a vital tool to assist in that process, said Ms Ryan, the Committee Chair Service providers who were unable to attend the roundtable and wish to have are encouraged to contact their relevant Federal Member to make a submission.