29 April 2019

Shadow Minister for the Environment Tony Burke and Labor Member for Newcastle Sharon Claydon are pleased to announce a Shorten Labor Government will commit $2.3 million to rejuvenate Throsby Creek and prevent damaging plastics and rubbish from ending up in the ocean.This election will be a choice between a Shorten Labor Government with a plan for the environment, or more cuts and chaos from the Liberals. Federal Member for Newcastle Sharon Claydon said the project includes the installation of traps to collect rubbish before it flows to the harbour. The funding will allow for the installation of four gross pollutant traps to catch rubbish at thesourceso it doesnt end up in our precious ocean, Ms Claydon said. Ms Claydon said the fund would also allow for landscaping of the northern bank of the creek between Lewis Street Bridge andHannellStreet. The plan is for a non-sealed walkway with appropriate landscaping. Work will include cultivation of existing soil, soil improvement, plating and mulching, Ms Claydon said. This will greatly improve the amenity of the area, mitigate erosion and decrease the potential for contaminant runoff from the former industrial land. Through the Urban Rivers and Corridors Program, a Shorten Labor Government has committed $200 million to restore urban waterways and habitat corridors across the country to their natural beauty, said Mr Burke. Laborsinvestment will unlock grant funding for projects to clean up our rivers including revegetation, tree planting, waste capture and naturalisation projects. For too long, our rivers, creeks and wetlands have been treated like storm water drains, end up polluted, dirty and littered with shopping trolleys rather than being safe spaces for families, kids and school groups to visit. Labor will engage state and local governments, local councils, community groups and local environmental organisations to bring urban waterways and habitat corridors back to health. Labors$200 million investment will fund projects to clean up our rivers, including: Building wetlands to capture and clean and filter stormwater. Revegetation and tree planting along corridors. Citizen science and education programs along creeks and corridors, including bush kinder. Bird boxes and waste capture. Employment of indigenous rangers. Turning urban waterways back into creeks and rivers again through changing hard surfaces back to natural surfaces (cement turned toriver banks). State Member for Newcastle and Chair of the Throsby Creek Government Agencies Committee Tim Crakanthorp welcomed the funding. The Committee has worked tirelessly over the past few years to produce a plan to restore Throsby Creek to its natural state. This funding will address some key priority areas as outlined in the plan. Throsby Creek is one of Newcastles most important natural assets. This funding will improve the community amenity and the health of the river for future generations of Novocastrians to enjoy. The Abbott-Turnbull-Morrison Government has consistently failed to provide federal environment programs that adequately address the urgent need for urban river rehabilitation. Only Labor is serious about protecting the environment and making sure its there for future generations to enjoy. Well take action on climate change, invest in the environment, and maintain Australias status as the great outdoors. These policies and projects will form part of a comprehensive platform for a healthier environment in our cities and across Australia.