05 April 2018

Federal Member for Newcastle Sharon Claydon has welcomed news that the Federal Government has responded to community and political pressure by removing unfair taxes on independent beer brewers.Ms Claydon it was a victory for fairness that the tax treatment of smaller craft beer brewers would now be the same as the big brewers. For too long, unfair tax excises benefiting the big players have forced independent brewers to compete with their hands tied behind their backs, Ms Claydon said. This move will put an end to the crazy situation where there is a lower rate of excise on 50 litre kegs than the 30 litre kegs that are more commonly used by independent brewers. The change will also give independent brewers access to the same tax rebate system that the big brewers enjoy. Ms Claydon said Labor had long supported the craft beer industrys campaign for the Turnbull Government to remove unfair tax treatment for independent brewers. Labors Anthony Albanese has been an incredible champion of reform for the patently unfair tax treatment of independent brewers, Ms Claydon said. More than 500 people signed my local community petition calling for a fair go for independent brewers, which also made it to my top ten wishes for the Federal Budget this year. This is an important win for the independent craft beer industry. Ms Claydon said the Newcastle-Hunter region has the potential to develop a thriving craft beer industry with real opportunities for job creation. There are 400 independent breweries across the country and 65 per cent of them are in regional Australia, Ms Claydon said. "Even though independent craft brews make up less than five per cent of the beer that is sold, independent breweries support almost three quarters of the jobs in the sector."